Halifax’s Maritime Mala Movement Inspires Clarity, Communication, Connection, and Creativity

 Maritime Mala Movement
AMaritime Mala Movementre you feeling muddled, disconnected, or foggy? That’s exactly how I felt when I first moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia. My husband and I finally had the blessing of moving back to the East Coast, but after living in four cities in less than twelve months it takes a toll on the mind, body, and spirit. Although we finally made it to the city where we wanted to be–our “home”, I felt ungrounded, disillusioned, and a bit lost. After numerous moves, countless flights, and world travels over the last few years, I couldn’t remember what ‘home’ felt or looked like. Although I’m originally from Nova Scotia, I never had the opportunity to live in Halifax. Our arrival was both exciting and overwhelming and with that came many unknowns. I didn’t know where we would live, where I would work, or what my life would look like being settled in one place after nearly 3 years of bouncing around and living out of suitcases. Halifax would be another new beginning and start over–the typical life of a pilot’s wife.

Maritime Mala Movement
Maritime Mala Movement

Amanda, Founder

Our move to Halifax came with adventures and challenges, but the most difficult part for me was feeling disconnected. In the beginning, it was hard not knowing where my place was in Halifax. It wasn’t until I met Amanda, founder of the Maritime Mala Movement, that my journey of connection and grounding began. The simple gift of her handcrafted one of a kind Turquoise Clarity Mini Mala necklace inspired the jump start I needed. Her turquoise mini Mala is designed to enhance ones ability to see all aspects of themselves, good and bad, and to integrate these aspects into a cohesive whole; a fresh new perspective was exactly what I needed. Turquoise is a stone of clarity and connection and they were two things I needed most during my transition from a wayfarer to a Halagonian. Turquoise is believed to be the master healer with the power to balance all 7 chakras, strengthen, heal, and cleanse the meridians of the body (subtle energy fields), stabilize moods, instil inner calm, enhance communication, dispels negative energy, protect against outside influences and air pollutants, and above all. promote self-awareness and creativity. It’s no wonder why I’m so attracted and drawn to all things turquoise. My new turquoise Mala couldn’t have come at a better time.

 Maritime Mala Movement
Ironically, I initially connected with Amanda online on Instagram when I stumbled upon her beautiful turquoise Mala posts during my time living in Toronto. I was hoping to ‘meet’ Halifax yogis prior to my arrival in Halifax. When I arrived in “the city” (as Nova Scotians lovingly refer to Halifax), I had the opportunity to meet Amanda in person and it was as if we had known each other for years. We have so many things in common and surprising have many mutual connections. Just like the turquoise stone, her generous gift and warm Halifax welcome is symbolic of friendship, wisdom, understanding, kindness, and the trust that I am exactly where I am meant to be. Amanda had me specifically in mind for her turquoise designed creation. Each Mala is handcrafted with love and intention from a place of connection & contemplation, with each bead hand selected with care to ensure balance of the entire Mala. My mini Mala sparked the beginning of my clarity, connection, and creativity journey in Halifax. It wasn’t long after regularly wearing my Mala that everything in my life started falling into place. I can’t thank Amanda and the Maritime Mala Movement enough for helping make my move and transition in Halifax a little bit easier. I will forever be grateful. 
 Maritime Mala Movement
My Mala has encouraged me to design a turquoise inspired yin/restorative yoga class for communication, connection, and creativity to support those around me who too need some inspiration. My Mala has given me clarity as to my place in Halifax and has inspired me to get out of my comfort zone to try new things, visit new places, and make new connections. My first ever Mala came at exactly the right time and was just what I needed to spark the change I needed in my life during a time of turmoil. Like the ocean, waves of excitement, chaos, and changes swelled in my life and were handled with grace and focus thanks to my Mala. My Maritime Mala is making waves!
 Maritime Mala Movement
What’s the most exciting part?
Malas make a big splash and help Maritime communities! Get involved in the Maritime Mala Movement by purchasing an already designed Mala of your choice (see offerings below) or have Amanda design one for you to meet your specific needs and intentions. The purchase of every Mala fuels healing in the heart and home wherever that may be. A portion of proceeds from each Mala helps to support women’s shelters in the Maritimes so that the clients can start their own journey of healing from violence, abuse, addiction, trauma, and homelessness. The Maritime Mala Movement is invested in giving back to those in need right here in the Maritimes. Yoga is brought to women and youth who may not otherwise be able to access the local yoga community for financial or other reasons. Proceeds are used to compensate local area yoga teachers to bring regular classes to each shelter and provide high quality comfy yoga mats and props for clients to feel supported on their journey. The Maritime Mala Movement helps to reclaim the warriors in all of us. Be a part of the movement! 
 Maritime Mala Movement
Maritime Mala Movement
Maritime Mala Movement

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Maritime Mala Movement



Live, Dream, Travel, and do Yoga

Maritime Mala Movement

Turquoise Compass is on Social Media | Join in on the fun, connect with me there, and stay tuned for contests, giveaways, reviews, and lifestyle & travel blog posts: Instagram,Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest

Jessica, Turquoise Compass

turquoise compass watermark

7 thoughts on “Halifax’s Maritime Mala Movement Inspires Clarity, Communication, Connection, and Creativity

  1. I am sorry, you had difficulties feeling home and get settled. Although it doesn’t surprise me anymore it still amazes me how things are coming together and that we notice that they started arranging already way ahead in order to be ready when we need them. Have a great day, Jessica!

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