✨Laura Lotus Love Custom Mala 📿Rekindled Clarity, Creativity, and Connection ✨

Laura Lotus Love Mala

Laura Lotus Love Mala

Over the years, I learned how to truly face my fears to make my dreams come true so to speak and to do it over and over again. Whether the dream was small, big, tangible, or intangible, I taught myself to approach what I was afraid of in different ways and to repeat the process over and over. I had to get to know myself really well to face my fears, take risks, and put myself out there to blindly say “yes!” to life. I experienced new and unexpected places and I was able to accomplish what felt like the impossible. Continue reading

Halifax’s Maritime Mala Movement Inspires Clarity, Communication, Connection, and Creativity

 Maritime Mala Movement
AMaritime Mala Movementre you feeling muddled, disconnected, or foggy? That’s exactly how I felt when I first moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia. My husband and I finally had the blessing of moving back to the East Coast, but after living in four cities in less than twelve months it takes a toll on the mind, body, and spirit. Although we finally made it to the city where we wanted to be–our “home”, I felt ungrounded, disillusioned, and a bit lost. After numerous moves, countless flights, and world travels over the last few years, I couldn’t remember what ‘home’ felt or looked like. Although I’m originally from Nova Scotia, I never had the opportunity to live in Halifax. Our arrival was both exciting and overwhelming and with that came many unknowns. I didn’t know where we would live, where I would work, or what my life would look like being settled in one place after nearly 3 years of bouncing around and living out of suitcases. Halifax would be another new beginning and start over–the typical life of a pilot’s wife.

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